Antardhwani - the inner vibrations

In the buzz and noise of everyday life, the voice within often either fades away or gets throttled by external forces. We continue to ignore and suffer silently, until one day we wake up to the unregulated explosion of emotions questioning the tenets of existence. The quest and query in search of self gets overwhelming. Sometimes leading to bouts of self-doubting and worthlessness. Surmounting such existential dilemma often passes though the deep alleys within 1.e. the mind, the body and the soul. The inner voice also gets prominent because they are at the source of all critical decisions we make. Relationships, career goals, hatred, adoration and even dreams are strongly influence by the vibrations inside. Give yourself these seven days to calm down and listen to those voices stuffed inside for years and integrate them with yourself, your profession and others. Who knows you get pleasantly surprised by the other you inside.

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Fascination with Himalayas, awed with ancient Indian wisdom (yoga, scriptures etc.), spirituality and philosophy, disenchantment with today's undergraduate and graduate education gave birth to SLC Himalayas.
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